Are you prone to ankle sprains? Here’s why and what you need to do!
Ankle sprains can be quite irritating because they limit your mobility due to the pain and loss of proprioception which is the bodies ability to sense movement within joints and joint position. Ankle injuries are very common and have the same chance of occurrence if you are walking to a tube station or participating in a sporting activity. If you are armed with the right information, you can successfully avoid this injury and save up on the time which would otherwise be lost on recovery from such an injury.Common causes of ankle sprainsAnkle sprains are caused by damage to the
Physiotherapy Treatment for Tingling and Numbness in Hands and Fingers
All of us have had the “my leg / hand has fallen asleep” experience. This “sleeping” experience mostly occurs if you cut off blood supply to a particular body part by applying pressure for a long time. That is the reason why you have numbness and tingling in your hand if you sleep on it for long. This numbness and tingling is absolutely normal and goes away within minutes, but if you have a similar experience at random, the reason could be a medical condition. Paresthesia, also known as numbness and tingling of the hands and legs, has multiple causes,
What is Computer related Repetitive Strain Injury and how to prevent it?
A general perception about injuries is that we get injured while performing strenuous exercises. What most people don’t know is that they can get injured even while performing regular tasks like working on their computer because of stress. Yes, in today’s times where every office-goer spends a large amount of their office hours before a computer, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) has become common. Computer related RSI hugely affects your upper body parts such as elbow, wrist, forearm, hands, back, shoulders and neck. If not attended to, computer related RSI can develop into a major injury over the years.What is RSI?Performing
Sports Injury Rehabilitation
When you are involved in active sports injuries are bound to happen. Recovering from these injuries can be very exhausting if you don’t undergo the right treatment. Sports injury rehabilitation is a specialised approach dealing with sport related injury treatment. This specialised technique has benefitted many and is on the rise in the sporting world. Various procedures are adopted by sport therapists all around the world depending on the nature and degree of the injury.What is sports injury rehabilitation?Sport injury rehabilitation was developed to get injured sportsmen in pre-injury physical condition within a short span of time. This therapeutic multi-disciplinary
Frozen shoulder, Rotator cuff injury or shoulder arthritis? How to distinguish between them?
It is a common misconception amongst patients suffering from frozen shoulder, arthritis or rotator cuff tear that all of them are the same because of similar signs and symptoms. Yes, they all have shoulder pain and limited range of motion as common ground but the causes are very different. Shoulder stiffness is felt in all the three diseases but medically, all of them are recognised as separate diseases.Frozen ShoulderOur shoulder consists of a gleno-humeral (ball and socket) joint which has the head of our upper arm bone (humerus) fit perfectly into the socket of the shoulder blade (scapula). The stiffness