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Athletic Therapy Is Not Just For Athletes

Athletic Therapy Is Not Just For Athletes

Athletic therapy has a multitude of benefits and they are not limited only to athletes. Any active individual experiencing pain due to an injury or surgery can access the benefits of athletic therapy. Here’s everything you need to know before you get in touch with your local athletic therapy services.

What is athletic therapy?

Athletic therapy is the science of preventing and treating musculoskeletal disorders using physical treatments and exercises. It is commenced by a musculoskeletal and postural evaluation by a certified athletic therapist.

Athletic therapy consists of a series of warm-up and conditioning exercises, prophylactic or supportive taping, equipment selection and overall adaptation of the individual to the physical activity. Rehabilitation of injuries by the Calgary injury rehab focuses on an initial assessment of the injury, basic emergency life support, recognition and management of acute traumatic neurological dysfunction, provision of first aid, preparation for entrance into appropriate health care delivery systems, and utilization of techniques to facilitate a safe return to participation. A certified athletic therapist, from Edmonton athletic therapy services, utilizes rehabilitative and therapeutic techniques, physical reconditioning, and supportive strapping procedures to promote optimal healing and preparing the individual for safe reintegration into an active lifestyle.

Who can benefit from athletic therapy?

Edmonton athletic therapy is not exclusive to athletes, it can be used to aid any person suffering from aches and pains in their everyday life. Athletic therapy can be used for:

  • Work injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Motor vehicle injuries
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Pre and post surgery conditions

Thus, Edmonton athletic therapy can be used by everyone ranging from workers to motor vehicle drivers and surgically operated individuals to active individuals performing sports such as tennis or running in their routine lives.

How does Athletic Therapy help?

Athletic therapy is beneficial in three key areas of injury or recovery.

Injury Prevention

Therapists advise on injury prevention by evaluating postures during activities, helping you select the correct equipment for training, designing suitable warm-up and conditioning programs, suggesting supportive taping and facilitating adaptation to the activity environment and facilities.

Immediate Care

Most athletic therapists are first responders on emergency cases or recruited in on-site heath management teams. Immediate care of physical injuries involve assessing the injury, providing first aid and basic emergency life support, removing equipment, preparing the patient for appropriate advanced health care delivery, recognizing and managing acute trauma or neurological dysfunction and when appropriate, using techniques to facilitate a safe participation in activities.


Certified therapists assess the extent of injuries and accompanying conditions and suggest various nutritional support and progressive rehabilitative techniques. Contemporary techniques involve strengthening and conditioning programs, therapeutic modalities, soft tissue mobilization, physical reconditioning and supportive strapping procedures to help the individual heal optimally, adapt to their environment and safely reintegrate into a pre-injury lifestyle.

Athletic therapy or physiotherapy?

Athletic therapy is quite different from physiotherapy due to many aspects related to both the healing methods. Athletic therapy deals specifically with injuries and injury rehabilitation. It pertains to treating the musculoskeletal system of the body whereas physiotherapy relates to treatment and prevention with careful consideration to various bodily systems such as respiratory, digestive and nervous systems. Different courses are studied by registered physiotherapists as compared to certified athletic therapists. Due to these differences, you should consult a certified athletic therapist from a trusted Calgary injury rehab facility as your physiotherapist is neither qualified nor trained to assist you in injury rehabilitation.

It is essential to seek therapy from a reputed Edmonton athletic therapy service or a Calgary athletic therapy service, depending on where you live, for the alleviation of your injury or surgery related pain. Athletic therapy can cause speedy recovery and rehabilitation of your injury and aid you in leading a normal, healthy and active lifestyle.