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A Therapist’s Expertise Matters

A Therapist’s Expertise Matters

Physical therapy is a dynamic health care profession that aims to assist individuals with the achievement, maintenance, and restoration of maximal physical functioning and health throughout their life. Thus, only a physical therapist can supervise, direct and provide physical therapy services. The terms “physical therapy” and “physiotherapy” as well as “physical therapist” and “physiotherapist” are all synonymous.
Physical therapists use their professional knowledge and skills to interact with individuals to achieve mutually agreed upon goals that will allow them to maintain or achieve their highest level of physical function. In addition to this, physical therapists are also involved in the promotion of health and wellness, prevention of physical dysfunction and disability, and public health initiatives.

To be a physical therapist, one requires education at the university level that ranges from a bachelor level program to a clinical doctoral level program, depending on the country where the physical therapist is educated. All physical therapy education programs require a foundation in the basic sciences of biology, physics, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology. From there, students learn the fundamentals of medical sciences, with a focus on the pathophysiology of the cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and integumentary systems. Upon graduation, students generally must pass a licensing examination to be able to obtain the legal authority to practice as a physical therapist. Many organizations that license physical therapists require that practicing physical therapists complete continuing education throughout their professional careers.

Along with all these educational qualifications, your physical therapist needs to follow a code of ethics generally encompasses the following principles that physical therapists:

  1. will respect the rights and dignity of all individuals;
  2. will comply with the laws and regulations governing the practice of physical therapy in the country in which they work;
  3. will accept the responsibility for the exercise of sound judgment;
  4. will provide honest, competent, and accountable professional service;
  5. commit to provide quality service;
  6. are entitled to a just and fair level of remuneration for their services;
  7. will provide accurate information to patients/clients, other agencies and the community about physical therapy and about the services physical therapists provide; and
  8. will contribute to the planning and development of services which address the health needs of the community

Solving Health Problems
A physical therapist can introduce simple lifestyle changes and exercises. These can help solve the most basic problems like a chronic back, or complex issues even like getting back on your feet after an accident. They have the expertise to understand your life and body and recommended the exercises that you can do. Not only that, some exercises are complex and require them to ensure you do it correct to reap the benefits.

Thus, for physical therapy, you can’t just go to any amateur. The web offer plenty of theory in physical therapy, but you don’t truly know the vast extend of physical therapy. Leave the work to the professionals, and benefit from long-lasting results.