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Influence of Kinesiotherapy on Joint Motion

Influence of Kinesiotherapy on Joint Motion

Even though there have been many recent advances in treating joint motion disabilities, few studies have evaluated longitudinal effect of therapeutic modalities on the functional exercise capacity of patients with joint motion disabilities.

The purpose here is to investigate the effects of kinesiotherapy and electrotherapy on functional exercise capacity.

Kinesiotherapy for Coxarthrosis:

Patients suffering from primary coxarthrosis result from an imbalance between stress mechanisms exerted on the hip and the exercise resistance capacity of cartilage and bone tissue. Kinesiotherapy administered to patients contributed to the increase of the joint angle values at the level of the coxofemoral joint and muscle strength. There are various kinesiotherapy programs that are undertaken by professional kinesiotherapists, and for joint motion disabilities, the most common method of evaluation is the six-minute walk test.

The kinesiotherapy programs are aimed at meeting all the four objectives of the treatment of this disease, i.e. the reduction of pain, increase of mobility and stability, improvement of coordination and balance during walking. Kinesiotherapy treatment involves several aspects such as, removal of favoring factors, drug therapy, physiotherapeutic treatment and surgical treatment.

The essential role of kinesiotherapy in patients with primary coxarthrosis, which contributes to the prevention of the vicious positions of the hip, the recovery of the function of the coxofemoral joint by kinesiotherapy involves increase of joint mobility, muscle strength along with the improvement and fighting of pain.

We compared our treatment methods with one treatment protocol group with the other controlled group. On those basis, we concluded that kinesiotherapy treatment made a difference, but there is no indication on how one program compares with other treatment protocols. The six-minute walk test is a tool that can be used to evaluate improvements in the functional exercise capacity of patients submitted to a clinical intervention. Furthermore, our study shows that kinesiotherapy, electrotherapy and ultrasound therapy are effective for reducing pain and improving and the strengthening the performance of patients suffering from joint motion disabilities.

If you’re unsure about your joint disability, or are unsure about knowing which therapy would be the most appropriate for your joint condition, get in touch with our professional physiotherapists in Edmonton who are experts when it comes to employing kinesiotherapy, ultrasound, or electrotherapy treatment methods.