Why Do You Have to Drink a Lot of Water After a Massage?
If you have ever gotten a massage whether at a spa or the sports medicine facility, the massage therapist must have instructed you to drink a lot of water. Water is important because it makes about 60 percent of your body. There are several reasons why your massage therapist Healthy Muscles Tissue Healthy tissues feel soft and allows the blood to flow throughout the vessels. Unhealthy muscle tissue can cause you pain. It is tight, compact and restricted in movement. The blood flow is restricted, and lymphatic flow is choked to the tissue by constricting of the capillaries. When you are not
The Physical and Emotional Benefits of Massage
Massage is an ancient form of therapy with its origins dating back to early 2700 B.C. For centuries, medical practitioners and scholars have acknowledged the benefits of this form of therapy. Even today, it is considered a great remedy for relieving stress, muscle soreness and for treating sports injuries. However, most people are unaware of the many benefits massage provides. Some of the unknown benefits of massage therapy include easing anxiety, increasing immunity, and enhancing physical performance. Physical benefits of massage therapy It does not occur to us that, just like machines, our bodies suffer the gradual wear and tear of everyday use. And,